Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hazy, sticky,smog ridden days.

Well we are already on the second smog day here in the Greater Toronto area and it feels like 41 with the humidity. For those of you who live in Alberta or other non Humid areas this type of heat is the kind that hiding under a shade does nothing! ziltch, nada! Inside our place is partialy below ground and since we have kept everything closed off since the start of the hot weather we were fine without the air conditioner until tonight then on it went. Anistens pool is up and running and no doubt will see much action this summer. I forgot to take a picture of Anisten and her friends playing in the pool, will have to remember tomorrow. The forecast for Tuesday is for slightly cooler weather, if you can call 30 cool + the humidex if we are lucky maybe it wont go over 35.

Census 2006

I have just started a 7 week Enumerator job with Statistics Canada following up on those who have not submited their complete census form. Anyone living in Canada must fill out a form by mail/intenet/phone by May 16, 2006 so if you haven't here is your reminder filing late is better than not at all. The penalty for not filing your information is $500 and/or 3 months in jail!