3 DunsmoresI have a confession to make! I am a recovering habitual lier; when I was 13! I must give credit for my lieing demise to my dear best friend Denise Burma(Kowalchuk now). She busted me so by confronting me and embarrasing me so that it forever set a precedent in me. I am often now found to be ever careful not to lie that I even have to clarify my statements with a "as well as I can remember" or some other form of clarification. I have recently been told that I should embellish facts on my resume so it would get me in the door for an interview. To the surprised look of the advice giver, I told her I could never do so as that could put a seed of doubt on every word spoken from that moment on. Weeks later there was a situation of money thought to be missing from an account I had personally tallied. While the recounting took place I could sit in peace knowing that my integrity at the moment hopefully left no room for questioning. The money was found and I lost not a second of worry.
So today as I read the fact that Paul Martin(Canada's previous Prime Minister) came out of hiding in the House of Parliament and spoke his mind regarding the recent gov't budget, it makes me shudder. Mr. Martin piled on the lies so thick in his career I am sure it not only made my head spin but his as well. Another Headline that also made me shudder was the picture of MS. Heddy Fry announcing her entrance into the running for the leadership of the Liberal party(yes I know, it must be pretty clear by now my distaste for the Liberal Party). Ms. Frey was the one who years ago made comments about the burning of flags in BC insinuating the ever presence of white supremacists. There were other instances of tall telling as well from Ms. Frey. But the best politician to "somewhat" come clean
once, the honour must be given to the right Honourable(shuder, uhhhhh) Jean Cretien as he stated
"A politician cannot be held accountable for promises made in an election year" in response to a public outcry demanding the resignation of the MP Sheila Copps as the G.S.T. had not been scrapped and she ran on the platform that she would resign if not so. These politicians have many people who have called them to account, yet no change occurs? It's no wonder that Canadians in the last election were so disapointed and no longer held clout to any promises given, and the smear campaigns that contained half truths(lies... twisting the truth is no truth at all) resounded in many.
Bill has a motto in life and it is that
"you only think what people are capable of, is indeed what you yourself are capable of doing". Do you have a problem trusting others? Is everyone out to get you? Maybe the problem is not them, but its the fact that you yourself know you are capable of the same!
In recollecting the beginings of my lieing history, I remeber it just being like a game or like a story written by your own will to say what you wanted it to say. Unfortunatly, you eventually get caught and are made to look like a fool.
If I cannot honestly live every moment in truth then I am only fooling myself in that the lie becomes the truth to me and thereby I am a Fool.