Friday, May 05, 2006

Anistens first blog post.

3 Dunsmores
Hi my name is Anisten. I just turned 9 . I have two cat's Shadie and Dietrich ( thats their names). And thats what I'm telling you about now. Shadie is my little kittykens( well that's at least what I call her ). Also Dietrich is really FAT and SLEEPS ALL DAY!! However he's REALLY SWEET!!!! The best part about having cats is they keep you company when you need it! Dietrich is deaf and shadie knows it but you can't tell by looking at him. Sometimes Dietrich will meow to call Shadie but she will never meow back to him to let him know thats shes coming knowing that he can't hear her.

Dietrich is white and Shadie is Black.

1 comment:

Vanessa Sim said...

Anisten, this is Madison. I saw your kitties, they are cute,because Mika is all grey she fits right in the middle. How did your kitty go deaf? How do you get him to come to you? My cat is good company too, she likes to cuddle at night and meows alot too! Miss you and see you soon.