Sunday, May 07, 2006

Here's Spotty

Hello my name is Spotty and I am the Hamster mentioned as one of the Dunsmores pets. Since the cats were top billing in the last post I decided that I better jump right in and introduce myself. All the talk in this house is 'Shadie and Dietrich" just makes me sick! Let me tell you what Shadie does to me! She sits outside my cage which sits on a small table in the kitchen and waits for me to go up to the bars and swats at me, so I won't take that sitting down I swat her back and back until I decide that the battle is over. Dietrich is much more of the gentle giant and if ever he watches me its more to see what Shadie will do and he cheers ME on.

I have heard Maria say that I am a spaz and that I Nip, what do they expect from a little guy like me? We'll see what you would all do you saw an object 10 times bigger than you approach you while you are nice and comfy in your home.

I do have a great pad with a maze attached. I heard the maze came from someone on the freecycle network so it was free and Maria really likes that word. She received a cage to go with it as well but since I am happy in mine she is trying to Freecyle it back to someone else.

My favourite thing to do of all time is to go in my ball outside of the cage and cruise around the house. I cruise in that ball for hours on end, unless I get stuck then I try and try to push on the sides until someone comes to rescue me. Even though cruising around the house is so much fun I still prefer to stick around in a room where one of the Dunsmores are.

Can you all do me a favour and tell Maria to stop changing my bedding. I have this shredded newspaper and I pile it up into a real cozy spot to hide out my days and sleep, but everyonce in a while I get to go in my ball and then when I get back... everything is new and my smell is gone and it takes me all the time to redo my den, the nerve of her.

I really like it here, I get all the food I could ever want to eat and also to store away and plenty of water from the hanging bottle, and my cruising times in the ball are the bomb. Pssst... Just between us, I have a secret, I would love to accomplish "something in my life" so I am trying to escape by eating through the bars. Its no easy task I tell you as the bars are hard, "Baring" complications I predict I am 1% on my way.

1 comment:

Vanessa Sim said...

Well Spotty, it is a pleasure to learn about another important part of the Dunsmore clan . . . how about when you get a change to tell that Maria to worry about cleaning her own cage before she cleans yours - that is what our Chloe says to me - she is a bunny and TOTALLY understand the whole setting up the home just right and then someone coming and rearranging it - how rude! Chloe is also trying to scratch her way through her cage, in some areas she has made progress - so, be like the turle, slow and steady wins the race - you can do it SPOTTY, we are cheering for you!!