Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Why Blog?

Just thought I needed something to do, and thought somehow this may be therapeudic... ok just cut the crap Maria and tell like it is, I just thought it may be nice to get on this blog bandwagon and test my writing skills. Nowadays the web seems to be a great place to not only stay connected but an incredible way to meet and discuss ones thoughts and ideas. Who knows maybe It may lead to reconnecting with some far off aquantaince or meeting new ones.

My first thought on a personal blog was fear and the need to use discretion. It was only months ago that I had a "no secrets, what you see is what you get!" attitude and motto in life, well that can sure BITE YOU IN THE BUTT. So now I think I am finally realizing that I was living in a dream world and discretion is a strong skill to learn, unfortunaltly I had to learn it the hard way.

Years ago Vanessa a friend used to joke about how if our child was lost (she was only 3 at the time) that the proffesionals would have to photo age enhance her baby pictures as I am not the sentimental take pictures at every moment kind of person, but we all know blogs are boring without pics so I may have to stretch myself and start shooting away. The picture on the right is of Anisten taken not too long ago as she is getting ready for bed. So stay tuned and soon those who don't see me regularly will see how "FAT I am", or maybe a more politically correct way would be to say "how much more of me there is to love" yah right!

So please don't be shy and post your replies and jump right in with me. Since this is called the 3 Dunsmores Anisten will probably at her young age will jump right in and share some of her comments and views. Bill on the other hand will probably never check this out unless someone posts something to his interest and let me tell you sports or politics are not it! Politics I love and so let me ask you all Canadians, What about that new Federal budget eh? Any suggestions for new blog entries?


Vanessa Sim said...

you are a great writer Maria - that is fun to read - well if noone else reads, you and i can be committed to read each others! Anisten looks sweet but really alot different - i look forward to seeing her and spending time with her soon. i will keep checking in.

Vanessa Sim said...

Hi Anisten, this is Madison. You look very different. I will see you in July, that will be fun but i cant bring my kitty so i get to meet your kitty but you cant meet mine. love madison