Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Worms and their offsprings

This one is specially posted for Madison Sim(9 year old) who is all excited to visit Ontario so Mrs. Dunsmore can teach her all there is to know about vermicomposting so she can start her own bin back home in Edmonton. I can't wait Madi, maybe Anisten will start getting really excited too!. On the right you can see their cocoons at various stages, some fresh in light colour and the darker ones ready to birth worms and some coming outThis is them making babies! On the left.

1 comment:

Vanessa Sim said...

does Anisten like the worms? does she help you take care of them? thank you for putting on the cool pictures - i am really excited to come and learn about the worms and play with anisten. i'm excited to come in the pool with you too and play. madison