Monday, July 03, 2006


With Summer here the sleepovers have began and last night was one of them. As you parents know how it all goes, they go to bed to just be noisier, gigle and you also hear the occasional thump that makes your heart skip a few beats and then makes up a million beats as you go to investigate. Well I was a little irate yesterday nothing to do with the kids and my chasticement sessions let them have it. Finally after the third time they finally cooled it and eventually went to bed.

Well even though they deserved the scolding I couldn't help but feel the need to apologize this morning. So I call them into my room this morning and apologized. I let them know that they should use their brains and just have fun in quiet as that would not disturb anyone else trying to sleep. I reminded them that I was once a kid and I understand having fun and that is when Anisten pipes up "Mom you are the fun" (my outbursts) yah.

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